Beast Mode On — Give Yourself A Chance To Be The Best Version of You

You will never regret it

Me Wandering Mind
5 min readJan 15, 2021
Be the best version of yourself
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Have you ever felt that you want to do a lot of things but you’re too lazy to do? You admire others’ success but you’re afraid to challenge yourself. You wonder if you could do your job better.

A little more effort, a little more focus, discipline, and determination are what you need to have in order to achieve your goal. Those little changes will help trigger the beast inside you. But how to force yourself in the first place? Why do you need to turn on the beast mode? I have my own answer.

I’m in the beast mode

I perceive myself as a person who never stops studying and striving to develop.

I remember that 5 years of university was the toughest time period of my academic life. I was studying an engineering program associated with France, which required me to complete a huge number of credits — more than any other majors in my university.

I was always overwhelmed, so the study pressure was inevitable. All of that demanded a good ability of time management, a regularity of daily routine, together with focus and determination from any students if they’d not want to be late for their graduation plan.

The arduous 5 years reminds me of how tough I was, especially the eighth semester where I was able to study non-stop without tiredness and discouragement.

I ended up being in the top students of the class with the highest score over my student life.

I don’t tell this to show off, my point is that I have never found myself in that state of mind again after the semester. It was the period of time that I reached a level of life balance, enabling me to be energized, motivated, and determined abundantly to accomplish a good semester.

I call that my beast mode, which I always aspire to turn it back on.

The decisive factor that led to a turning point in my life in the following year was my teacher by who I was instructed to do the graduation thesis, and also who was interested in yelling at and insulting his students for any reason.

I lost the motivation and interest for my major, I lost the belief in myself, and lost the orientation for my future.

Due to the lack of a goal, I couldn’t remain focused and self-disciplined.

I always felt that I was not good enough but I couldn’t force myself to attempt more.

That was terrible for me, so I started to find ways to get back.

The last six months have witnessed the achievement that I am most satisfied with since I graduated 2 years ago. I am now able to get the old flow back, which means I can work with a strong focus, and I can remain the self-discipline to get the job going well regularly.

You can see the change clearly by the frequency of my writings lately. I don’t know if it is really the beast mode that I used to have, but I know I’m doing my things productively.

What did I do to turn on the beast mode?

Personally, it is not an easy thing. It took me more than a year to get over the obsessions, the fears, and the doubt in myself.

1.The first step is to evoke familiar feelings.

If you know how strong you ever was, the important thing to do is to recall the feeling, get used to it again, and apply it to your goal realization.

I started by reading books and exercising. One is what I like to do, and one is what I need to do.

For me, I love reading books, and it is one of my pastimes. Although there have been times that the habit got disrupted, it’s not hard for me to begin again.

By reading books, I intended to regain the ability to focus and immerse myself in work.

I truly did it.

When reading a book, I feel that I’m in my own world, my speed of reading and grasping information is sharper.

At the same time, I force myself to work out religiously, which I set to be my top priority after graduation. By doing an indispensable activity for life, I want to practice self-discipline and determination, which I thought I was good at.

I was gradually getting used to the feelings of being focused and self-disciplined.

It took me a few months to turn feelings into real abilities.

Maybe you have never experienced one of your best versions before, but in general, the way of picking two kinds of activity is worth trying because it helps cultivate the factors to trigger your beast mode.

2. The next step is to let your beast out.

I started to get up early and write in the morning because I see writing as a fulfilling activity outside my 9–5 job.

When you are confident with the skills you have been training, it’s not difficult to develop a new habit anymore.

It took me three weeks to finish the first writing, 2 weeks for the next one. And guess what, I now can publish 3 writings a week, which is quite a great achievement for me at the moment.

Why do you need to beast-mode-on?

1. Becomes more productive in work

Once you get to know your beast, and you know how to let it out, you will feel stronger than ever and confident to overcome any obstacles. You are able to get things solved well and have time for your relationships then reach a balanced life.

It’s not delusional because, with the belief in yourself, you will manage to find ways to achieve your goal. The belief becomes bigger thanks to positive results created by your focus, determination, and self-discipline.

2. Discover your best version

It is believed that anyone has their own limitations. However, when the beast mode is turned on, you will gain things that you have never imagined before, and you realize you can do more than that.

You are born once and live only once. What does life mean if you can never know your real abilities? Give yourself a chance and conditions to discover your potentials and limitations.

Instead of chasing after other people, chase after what you’re meant to be.

3. Develop the perseverance

Once you are strong, difficult things that come will not be that difficult as you thought.

Imagine when you already managed to make it to the top of a mountain, the higher peaks are not that high as you first started.

Final thoughts

Turning on the beast mode doesn’t mean you have to exhaust yourself, it’s just a state of mind and body when you’re eager to do things productively and tirelessly.

Trust me, you’re not going to regret to live with the best version of you at least once in your life.



Me Wandering Mind

I’m Me Wandering Mind. I love the way how life is changing day by day, making life balancing is not only challenging but also interesting.